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Ensure that you have a professional & registered nurse ready to assist you during air travel
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We specialize in elderly care on-flight, right from check-in point to final destination
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You don’t need to be worried about flight anxiety anymore, contact us today!

Creating A Safer & Hassle-Free Flight Experience

There are a number of reasons why someone may require a professional nurse to help them on a flight. Whether you or your loved one is an elderly person requiring assistance, have to deal with in-flight anxiety, or simply need a professional nurse in case something goes wrong – ATC will have a registered nurse ready who will ensure your journey is smooth from step 1 right up to the end!

ATC is an Australia and England-based, family-owned, and run company. We have been providing registered nurses with in-flight medical services for quite some time, and have built a strong recognition as a reliable service provider. Our primary mission is to create a stress-free environment for our clients during flight travel, and our handpicked nurses are rigorously trained to achieve the same.

Our Services

ATC ensures that our services are tailor-made to meet the needs of all our clients

For every client traveller, we:

ATC provides end-to-end services before and during flight travel: We will help with the following:

ATC provides the following medical services during flight travel:


Our Clients are Important to Us

To the Air Travel Companion Team, many thanks for your help. I am writing in relation to the assistance you provided to a sick passenger and our cabin staff on Flight QF 9 and QF 17. Our cabin crew often have to manage difficult medical problems in the relatively isolated environment of the aircraft cabin and I know that they very much appreciated your professional assistance on these occasions. It is a source of great pride in our profession that nurses so readily and unselfishly volunteer to assist in such situations. Your professional help was very much appreciated and I thank you on behalf of the passenger, the cabin crew and Qantas.

Ian Morrison General Manager Aviation Health Services, Qantas Airways Ltd

We’ll never forget the wonderful care and support we had……and having you to travel with us made such a difference. Thank you from my heart. I hope……you are able to keep up the good work you so obviously enjoy. I now realise the need for it and am so thankful for your company and support and wish you health and happiness in the future.

Joan G Brighton East, Victoria

Many thanks for looking after my dad so nicely...

John H Sydney